Sujets de memoires
Sujets de memoires

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Book Reviews155 Ce livre fait partie de la collection The Other Voice in Early Modem Europe, ensemble qui s'intéresse à la condition de la femme ("l'autre voix") à travers les écrits européens publiés entre 1300 et 1700. Chicago: The University ofChicago Press, 2004. Memoirs ofthe Life ofHenriette-Sylvie de Molière: A Novel Ed. Laura Dennis-BayUniversity ofthe Cumberlands Villedieu, Madame de. This work is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students with an interest in rhetoric, French literature in translation, early modem thought, and women's studies. The introductions and numerous explanatory footnotes are accurate and informative. It would be useful if the two bibliographies followed one another and if the table of contents listed specific excerpts, not just titles of whole works. Bracketed words clarify potentially ambiguous constructions, and when the original French is particularly difficult to render in English, the translators include a footnote explaining the term in question, with one regrettable exception in the case of "la raillerie." The text is useful and enjoyable to read in spite oftypographical errors involving French accent marks and footnote numbering. The translators add modernized formatting and punctuation and employ modern English while largely preserving the original's tone and style.

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The translation seems essentially satisfactory, though it was impossible to evaluate in full due to lack of access to certain originals. AU four dialogues were re-edited by Delphine Denis in 1998 the second was also re-edited by Phillip J.

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The first three were then modified for the Conversations sur divers sujets (1680) while the fourth was adapted for the Conversations nouvelles sur divers sujets, dédiées au roy (1684). Then comes "On Wit," a translation of "De la raillerie," and lastly "Conversation on the Manner of Writing Letters," from "Conversation de la manière d'écrire des lettres." The first and third dialogues had earlier versions in Artamène, ou Le grand Cyrus, while the second and fourth first appeared in Clélie.

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The speeches included are "Mariam to Herod," "Sophonisba to Masinissa," "Zenobia to Her Daughters," and "Sappho to Erinna." The final section contains translations of four "Conversations," translated as "Rhetorical Dialogues." The titles are largely self-explanatory, and include "On Conversation," a translation of "De la conversation," followed by "On Speaking Too Much or Too Little and How to Speak Well" ("De parler trop ou trop peu et comment il faut parler"). Each text is preceded by an "Argument," in which Scudéry sets the scene, and is followed by "The Effect of this Oration," in which she evaluates the effectiveness of each orator.

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The translation is based on the 1665 edition a 1991 edition does exist (Paris: Côté Femmes), but the editors find it to be unreliable.

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It is a collection of imagined speeches in which the speakers, all women, demonstrate considerable rhetorical skill in the face of great adversity. In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:ġ 54Women in French Studies The letters are followed by four of the orations found in Les femmes illustres, ou, Les harangues héroïques, de Mr de Scudéry (1665), which are attributed to Madeleine though they were published in her brother's name.

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